Harm reduction is more critical to individual wellbeing, health, and life satisfaction than increasing happiness. Our first survey gives individuals the tools to recognize and deal with harm (physical and psychosocial) in the workplace.
It also gives teams a way to collectively organize with data about workplace harm. If you're interested in taking the survey with your team, sign up and we will send you a custom survey link. You'll receive a complimentary team report.
Our Culture Survey
An environment lacking emotional safety and mental wellbeing in interpersonal interactions.
It includes Workplace Emotional Abuse, Minimization, Isolation, &
Group Disfunction
An environment lacking physical safety and wellbeing a person feels at work.
It includes Workplace Physical Bullying & Safety
Psychosocial experiences that are often hidden from other observers and gradually and relentlessly bring a person's reputation into question.
It includes Workplace Gaslighting, Scapegoating, & Double Binds
Occurs when a person is "othered" based on their physical or biological characteristics.
It includes Workplace Sexual Harassment & Discrimination.
The deprivation of essential resources (emotionally or physically).
It includes Workplace Physical & Emotional Neglect
Workplace distress is the emotional response to a single or series of adverse events that a person finds highly stressful in the workplace.